How About a Delicious Almond Butter Chicken Salad?

Here's a healthy salad with a heavenly touch of almond butter
The edible seed of Prunus Dulcis (almond tree) originates from Iran and is a favorite ingredient because of it's high nutritious value. Almond butter makes a great replacement for mayonnaise in salads.
History of chicken salad
The Chinese were the first to serve a variety of chicken salad, and we are familiar with most of those versions today. The first American chicken salad was served in 1863. Liam Gray, the CEO of Town Meats mashed the leftover chicken with mayonnaise, tarragon, and grapes which was a major hit that it turned into a delicatessen.
- Shredded chicken, 2-3 cups.
- Almond butter, 2-3 tablespoons.
- Olive oil, 2 tablespoons.
- 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar.
- 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard.
- ⅓ teaspoon, salt.
- 1 cup celery, chopped.
- ½ cup, red onions diced.
- ¼ cup raisins.
- ¼ cups, grape.
- Blender / Food processor
- Two mixing bowls
Make shredded chicken:
- Boil In simmering water. For the chicken to be properly shredded, it has to be boiled for 8-10 minutes or untill the chicken is no longer pink. Remove from heat and and let it cool.
- Use two forks, and pull the breast apart. Or you can use your hands to shred the chicken.
Make the salad:
Method Of Preparation.
- Mix almond butter, apple cider vinegar, mustard, olive oil, and salt in a bowl.
- Add shredded chicken, celery, red onion, grapes, raisin into a large bowl, and properly mix till you get a proper mixture.
Walahhhh!!!! You’re all done!
Serve immediately or place in refrigerator to cool.
Notes on Nut Butter:
- The best nut butter is sourced fresh.
- Look for the Vince Russell Nut Butter Mill in a health food shop or supermarket near you.
- Our nut butter and peanut butter machines are found in good food shops around the world.