Nut Butter Mill Cleaning and
Maintenance Instructions

Quick Cleaning Instructions, Nut Butter Mill

Cleaning Instructions, Nut Butter Mill

Nut Butter Mill Trouble-Shooting Instructions
It’s unnecessary to remove the control ring / adjustment ring when doing a clean, however if you do this video will show you how to quickly put the ring back on.

Nut Butter Mill Motor Overload and Reset Switch
If a foreign object falls into the hopper and the motor overloads and switches off, you need to clean the mill and remove any obstructions before using the Reset Switch as shown in this video.
Nut Butter Mill Cleaning Instructions
- Run the nuts through the mill so there are no nuts in the body hopper.
- Turn off the mill and remove power cord.
- Move the Smooth Medium Crunchy lever to top 12 O’clock position and lock with the top clip.
- Using two hands, pull the main clip towards you and then up to release the front cover, place cover aside.
- Get your two tools, A tool (the larger tool) and B tool.
- Put the A tool over the centre spigot with the fin locking in place.
The the smaller B tool over the centre spigot.
Pull both tools towards 6 O’clock position to release and unwind the small cutter.
- If you want to do a thorough clean, you need to remove the main body behind the cutters.
- Unscrew the two black knobs at the left and right of the main body. Then the whole body comes off.
- Wash the body in soapy water, then rinse in clean water and pat dry.
- Replace all the parts the same way they came off in this order > body > large cutter > small cutter, you don’t need any tools to tighten this.
- All parts only go in one way so you can’t make a mistake.
- The front cover goes back on, the main clip comes back down.
- Plug the mill back in, and you are ready to go.
Quick Cleaning Tips for Nut Butter Mill on Instagram
View this post on InstagramStarting up your Vince Russell Nut Butter Mill for the first time or after cleaning.
A post shared by Vince Russells Nut Butter Mill (@nutbuttermill) on

Is your mill running slow?
Run the nuts through your mill & look down into the hopper. You may have nut powder build up…see photo below. Simple answer. Give the body a wash. Just make sure you read the cleaning instructions first.